Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy

House of awareness

We reserve the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in the Terms or any policy or guideline of our site, at any time and in our sole discretion. Any changes or modification will be effective immediately upon posting of the revisions and you waive any right. Your continued use of these Sites following the posting of changes or modifications will confirm your acceptance of such changes or modifications. All questions or comments about the Sites or site content should be directed here: info@weareawareness.com

General Terms and Conditions House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology

These are the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the services and purchase of products (or -gift-vouchers for one of the two) from House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology. By agreeing to these conditions, the client enters into an agreement with House of Awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology, for which the following General Conditions apply:

1. Definitions

In these general conditions the following terms have the following meanings:

House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology: contractor who uses these general terms and conditions for offering services and products;

client: the person, company or body that issues the order for the work, or purchases a product; services and products: all products and services supplied by the contractor to the client, including coaching and other forms of guidance or advice, all in the broadest sense of the word, as well as all other activities of whatever nature performed for the client, performed in the context of an assignment, including work that has not been carried out at the express request of the client;

user: the person who participates in a guidance, advice or coaching process, assessment, research, course or training, the latter if he is not the client himself, or the person who purchases a product from the contractor.

2. Applicability of these conditions

2.1. These general terms and conditions apply to all offers and agreements whereby House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology offers or supplies services and / or products. Deviations from these conditions are only valid if expressly agreed in writing;

2.2. Not only House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology but also all persons or companies involved in the execution of any assignment for the client, can appeal to these general terms and conditions;

2.3. These general terms and conditions also apply to additional assignments and follow-up assignments from the client;

2.4. Any purchasing or other general terms and conditions of the client do not apply unless they have been expressly accepted in writing by House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology;

2.5. If any provision of these conditions proves to be invalid, the rest of these conditions will remain in force.

3. The assignment

3.1 The client participates in a treatment of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology and uses the services of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology.

3.2 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology accepts responsibility for the correct execution of the trajectory. House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology does what can be expected of a reasonably acting psychologist. This means, among other things, that they must keep a file on their clients.

3.3 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is not in employment or authority with regard to the client or his legal representative and carries out the activities independently and at their own discretion, without supervision or management. The client or their legal representative provides House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology with all the information necessary for the proper execution of the assignment.

3.4 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology reserves the right to refuse to participate in a trajectory if it appears that following a trajectory at House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is not responsible. In that case the client will be informed as soon as possible. House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is not liable for compensation of costs or damage as a result of not being able to participate in a trajectory.

3.5 The client can follow a trajectory at House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology if they are 18 years or older. If younger, authoritative parents must sign for agreement to participate in the program.

4. Client obligations.

4.1 The client guarantees that he / she actually complies with and follows all obligations and instructions set by House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology.

4.2 The client is obliged to inform House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology during the process of any absence due to holidays or other circumstances, like significant changes in mental health that may lead to a process being delayed or altered.

4.3 The client is responsible for information stored on their own computer about the trajectories of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology, as well as for the messages saved in their own email system.

5. Data transfer

5.1 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology has a duty of confidentiality under the WGBO (Dutch law). House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is not allowed to exchange data relating to the treatment with third parties without the client’s consent.

5.2 In the context of proper and careful treatment, House of Awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology feels obliged to exchange information with the client’s GP in the event of an important interest justifying the breach of the duty of confidentiality, without the client’s permission. House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology emphasizes that it must be about emergencies and that House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology first tries everything possible to solve the problem if the confidentiality obligation is to be breached.

5.3 The privacy statement of House of Awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology explains how personal data is handled.

6. Payment

6.1 Unless parties have agreed otherwise, the agreement between House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology and the client is subject to the usual fees and prices to be used by House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology. For the prices and fees to be used and all further information about the payments, House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology refers to the payment terms and conditions that are placed on the general website.

6.2 If payment is not made within the payment term, a reminder will be sent to the client, which will serve as notice of default. If payment is not made after the reasonable period set in the reminder, the client is in default. The client’s default is a shortcoming in the fulfillment of the obligations under the agreement that applies between the client and House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology. This shortcoming entails the consequences that the law attaches to such shortcomings and a reimbursement of costs that are for the account of the client.

6.3 In the event of liquidation, bankruptcy, attachment or suspension of payment of the client, the claims of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology toward the client are immediately due and payable.

7. Cancellation

7.1 It is possible for both client and House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology to terminate the agreement if it appears that the intended goal will not be achieved or that it is not medically justified for the client to continue the treatments.

7.2 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology also reserves the right to terminate the agreement with the client if the client is not heard from for a certain period of time during the treatment. The length of this period is laid down in the treatment agreement at the start of the treatment.

8. Duration of the agreement, foreclosure and cancellation

8.1 The duration of the present agreement is equal to the duration of coaching, psychological care, mediation, training or investigations/assessments.

8.2 If the psychologist of House of Awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is unable to perform the activities, this will be reported to the client or his legal representative. House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology will consult with the client about any effort to be made by House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology to arrange replacement. House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology has no obligation to arrange replacement.

8.3 If the client is unable to attend, this must be reported at least 24 hours in advance. In the event of a later cancellation or no-show, House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology reserves the right to charge the session costs.

8.4 In the event of death, bankruptcy of the client or House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology or a moratorium of payment of the client, this agreement will terminate by operation of law.

9. Suspension and dissolution

9.1 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology reserves the right to suspend the obligations of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology if:

(1) the client fails to fulfill its obligations under the agreement;

(2) If according to the House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology, circumstances come to light that give good reason to fear that the client will not fulfill his/her obligations. In the event that there is good reason to fear that it will only be partially or not properly complied with, the suspension is only permitted insofar as the compensation justifies it.

9.2 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology also reserves the right to terminate the agreement if:

(1) the client fails to fulfill their obligations under the agreement.

(2) circumstances arise of such a nature that fulfillment of the agreement is impossible or can no longer be demanded according to the standards of reasonableness and fairness, or if other circumstances arise that are of such a nature that unchanged standards of maintenance and fairness remain unchanged. the agreement should not be expected.

9.3 If the agreement is dissolved, the claims of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology toward the client are immediately due and payable.

9.4 If House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology suspends the fulfillment of its obligations, it will retain its rights under the law and the agreement. The client cannot then claim a refund of prepaid fees or damages.

9.5 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology reserves the right to claim damages. 10. Force majeure

10.1 Parties do not fall short in the fulfillment of any obligation under the agreement, if the shortcoming is not due to the fault of client or House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology and is not charged under the law, legal act or traffic opinions.

10.2 Force majeure in these general terms and conditions means, in addition to what is understood in this respect in law and jurisprudence, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, over which the client or House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology cannot exert influence, but through which client or House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is unable to fulfill its obligations.

10.3 It is possible for both the client and House of Awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology to suspend the obligations under the agreement during the period that the force majeure continues. If this period lasts longer than two months, the client or House of Awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is entitled to terminate the agreement. The client or House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is then not obliged to compensate for damage.

11. Liability

11.1 If it appears that House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is inadequate in the fulfillment of its obligations, it can only be held liable for this if there is intent or gross negligence. This liability is limited to direct damage and to the maximum compensation that the client pays for following a treatment. House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology cannot be held liable for indirect damage and consequential damage.

11.2 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is not liable for any damage to third parties, for whatever reason, caused by behavior or actions of the client. The client indemnifies House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology against claims from third parties in this respect.

11.3 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology cannot accept any liability for any damage resulting from the use or impossibility of using both the general and personal website of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology. Possible damage is understood to include damage to due to the inaccuracy or incompleteness or unsuitability of information or damage resulting from viruses.

11.4 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology cannot accept any liability for damage resulting from the use of electronic means of communication with which access to the general and personal website of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology can be obtained, including damage to the hard- and / or software of electronic means of communication, damage as a result of the non-delivery or delay of the delivery of electronic messages and misuse of electronic messages by third parties or by software / equipment, if this could not have been known to House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology .

11.5 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology cannot be held liable for further damage, for whatever reason, that the client suffers through the use of the general and personal website or in connection with the care services that the client uses.

11.6 The psychologist of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology is insured for professional liability for the treatment and trajectory of Dutch citizens, living under Dutch law.

12. Intellectual property

12.1. The copyright on reports, proposals, brochures, company publications, house styles, films, audio files and other documents resulting from the activities of House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology rests exclusively with House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology

12.2. The client may only use the material carriers of these rights for the purpose for which they have been granted to the client, do not multiply them and do not change or remove author, brand, model, trade name and other indications;

12.3. Models, techniques, programs, course materials and other tools – including software – that have been used for the execution of the assignment and that have been included in the advice, are and remain the House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology. Publication thereof can therefore only take place after obtaining written permission from House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology.

12.4. In the event of (premature) termination of the assignment, the foregoing remains in force.

12.5. The client and / or third parties are not permitted to make changes to a model, program, design, etc. that he has previously approved or is already in use without prior written permission from House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology.

12.6. House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology reserves the right to use the knowledge acquired during the execution of the work for other purposes, insofar as no confidential information is brought to the attention of third parties.

13. Privacy

13.1 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology will treat the client’s data confidentially. With regard to the use of this data, House of Awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology has drawn up a privacy statement. You will find this privacy statement on this website.

14. Complaints procedure

14.1 If the client is dissatisfied, the client will discuss this with House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology.

14.2 If that conversation does not lead to a solution, House of Awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology will act in accordance with the complaints regulations of the NIP (Netherlands Institute of Psychologists). The client can submit a complaint by mail to the Supervisory Board / NIP. For more information, see the NIP website.

15. Special provisions

15.1 House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology acts in accordance with the professional code of the NIP (Dutch Institute of Psychologists), the WGBO (Medical Treatment Agreement Act), the WBP (Personal Data Protection Act), the BIG Act and the Healthcare Institutions Quality Act.

16. Disputes

16.1 Dutch law applies to every agreement between the client and House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology


House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology respects the privacy of its website visitors, in particular their rights regarding the automatic processing of personal data. We have therefore formulated and implemented a policy on complete transparency with our customers regarding the processing of personal data, its purpose(s) and the possibilities to exercise your legal rights .in the best possible way

If you require any additional information about the protection of personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens): .https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl

Until you accept the use of cookies and other tracking devices, we will not place any non-anonymized analytical cookies and / or tracking cookies on your computer, mobile phone or tablet

With the continued visit of this website you accept these terms of use and you accept the use of cookies and other tracking systems, unless we have provided for another method of accepting cookies on our website

The current available version of this privacy policy is the only version that applies while visiting our website until a new version replaces the current version

Article 1 – Definitions

Website (hereinafter: “Website”) houseofawareness.org

Party responsible for processing personal data (hereinafter:“the controller“): House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology , established at Goudenregenstraat 170, 2565 GC The Hague, The Netherlands, Chamber of Commerce number: 7165279

Article 2 – Access to the website

Access to and use of the website are strictly personal. You will refrain from using the data and information of this website for your own commercial, political or advertising purposes, as well as for any commercial offers, in particular unsolicited electronic offers

Article 3 – Website content

All brands, images, texts, comments, illustrations (animated) images, video images, sounds and all the technical applications that can be used to operate this website and more

generally all the components used on this website, are protected by the laws on intellectual property. Any reproduction, repetition, use or modification, by any means whatsoever, of all or just part of it, including technical applications, without the prior written permission of the controller, is strictly prohibited. The fact that the controller may not take immediate action against any infringement, cannot be considered as a tacit consent, nor of a waiver of any right to prosecute the infringing party

Article 4 – Management of the website

For the purpose of proper management of the site, the controller may at any time

suspend, interrupt, reduce or decline the access to the website for a particular category of – visitors

delete all information that may disrupt the functioning of the website or conflicts with national or international laws or is contrary to internet etiquette

make the website temporarily unavailable in order to perform updates

Article 5 – Responsibilities

The controller is not liable for any failure, disturbances, difficulties or interruptions in the functioning of the website, causing the (temporary) inaccessibility of the website or of any of its functionalities. You, yourself, are responsible for the way you seek connection to our website. You need to take all appropriate steps to protect your equipment and data against hazards such as virus attacks on the Internet. Furthermore, you are responsible for which websites you visit and what information you seek

The controller is not liable for any legal proceedings taken against you

because of the use of the website or services accessible via the Internet

for violating the terms of this privacy policy

The controller is not liable for any damages that incur to you or third parties or your equipment, as a result of your connection to or use of the website and you will refrain from any subsequent (legal) action against the controller

If the controller is involved in a dispute because of your (ab)use of this website, he is entitled to (re)claim all subsequent damages from you

Article 6 – Collection of data

Your personal data will be collected by House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘(‘data subject

An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person

The personal data that are collected on the website are used mainly by the collector in order to maintain a (commercial) relationship with you and if applicable in order to process your orders. They are recorded in an (electronic) register

Article 7 – Your rights regarding information

Pursuant to Article 13 paragraph 2 sub b GDPR each data subject has the right to information on and access to, and rectification, erasure and restriction of processing of his personal data, as well as the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability

You can exercise these rights by contacting us at info@houseofawareness.org

Each request must be accompanied by a copy of a valid ID, on which you put your signature and state the address where we can contact you

Within one month of the submitted request, you will receive an answer from us

Depending on the complexity and the number of the requests this period may be extended to two months

Article 8 – Legal obligations

In case of infringement of any law or regulation, of which a visitor is suspected and for which the authorities require the personal data collected by the collector, they will be provided to them after an explicit and reasoned request of those authorities, after which these personal data do not fall anymore under the protection of the provisions of this Privacy policy

If any information is necessary in order to obtain access to certain features of the website, the controller will indicate the mandatory nature of this information when requesting these data

Article 9 – Collected data and commercial offers

You may receive commercial offers from the collector. If you do not wish to receive them (anymore), please send us an email to the following address: info@houseofawareness.org

Your personal data will not be used by our partners for commercial purposes

If you encounter any personal data from other data subjects while visiting our website, you are to refrain from collection, any unauthorized use or any other act that constitutes an infringement of the privacy of the data subject(s) in question. The collector is not responsible in these circumstances

Article 10 – Data retention

The collected data are used and retained for the duration determined by law

Article 11 – Cookies

A cookie is a small text file placed on the hard drive of your electronic device upon visiting our website. A cookie contains data so you can be recognized as a visitor when you are visiting our website. It enables us to adjust to your needs and it facilitates you to log in on our website. When you visit our website, we inform you about the use of cookies. By continuing to use our website you accept its use, unless we ask permission by other means. Your consent is valid for a period of thirteen months

We use the following types of cookies on our website

Functional cookies: like session and login cookies to collect session and login information – Anonymised Analytic cookies: to obtain information regarding the visits to our website, like – numbers of visitors, popular pages and topics. In this way we can adjust our communication and information to the needs of our visitors. We can not see who visits our sites or from which personal device the visit has taken place

Specifically, we use the following cookies on our website

No other cookies

When you visit our website, cookies from the controller and / or third parties may be installed on your equipment

For more information about using, managing and deleting cookies for each electronic device, we invite you to consult the following link:

https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/onderwerpen/internet-telefoon-tv-en-post / cookies # faq

Article 12 – Imagery and products offered

You cannot derive any rights from the imagery that accompanies any offered product on our website

Article 13 – Applicable Law

These conditions are governed by Dutch law. The court in the district where the collector has its place of business has the sole jurisdiction if any dispute regarding these conditions may arise, save when a legal exception applies

Article 14 – Contact

For questions, product information or information about the website itself, please contact: House of awareness I van Nieuwkerk Psychology , info@houseofawareness.org